A closer look at Huntington’s disease (HD) chorea

With everything there is to know about Huntington’s disease (HD), it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and confused. That’s why we’re focused on one of its most visible—and treatable—symptoms, HD chorea.

Here you’ll find information, inspiration, and resources to help you understand what to expect with HD chorea and how to talk to your doctor about preserving independence for as long as possible.

A closer look at Huntington’s disease (HD) chorea

With everything there is to know about Huntington’s disease (HD), it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and confused. That’s why we’re focused on one of its most visible—and treatable—symptoms, HD chorea.

Here you’ll find information, inspiration, and resources to help you understand what to expect with HD chorea and how to talk to your doctor about preserving independence for as long as possible.

Symptoms of Huntington's disease chorea can complicate everyday tasks, like washing dishes. Symptoms of Huntington's disease chorea can complicate everyday tasks, like washing dishes.

Huntington’s disease symptoms fall into 3 categories: motor, cognitive, and emotional. These symptoms can fluctuate in severity as HD progresses.1


After a Huntington’s disease diagnosis, it's important to learn about one of its key symptoms, chorea. Find out how chorea affects those living with HD.

Everyday tasks, like folding laundry, can be difficult with symptoms of Huntington's disease chorea. Everyday tasks, like folding laundry, can be difficult with symptoms of Huntington's disease chorea.
It's important to plan ahead for Huntington's disease chorea to preserve your independence. It's important to plan ahead for Huntington's disease chorea to preserve your independence.

Find guidance on how to talk to your doctor about HD chorea and its impact on your daily life. Use the Doctor Discussion Guide to help start the conversation.


Most people with Huntington’s disease will develop the involuntary movements of chorea.2 Use the HD Chorea Independence Planner to prepare for the daily challenges of these movements and help maintain independence for as long as possible.


Being diagnosed with Huntington's disease (HD) or caring for someone with this condition offers unique insights into the challenges of life with HD. Read how Don, Eva, Rashawnda, and Therese found hope and strength in the HD community.

see their stories

Register to receive information about Huntington’s disease chorea and a treatment for involuntary movements.

There are many avenues of support for people with Huntington's disease and their care partners. It's important to plan ahead for Huntington's disease chorea to preserve your independence.

References: 1. Tarapata K, Lovecky D, eds. Nutrition and Huntington's Disease: A Guide for Families. New York, NY: Huntington's Disease Society of America; 2010. Accessed January 28, 2022. https://hdsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Nutrition-and-HD.pdf 2. Huntington's Disease. Alzheimer's Association. Accessed January 28, 2022. https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/what-is-dementia/types-of-dementia/huntington-s-disease